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Class in Britain
Language: en
Pages: 399
Authors: David Cannadine
Categories: History
Type: BOOK - Published: 2000-03-30 - Publisher: Penguin UK


David Cannadine's unique history examines the British preoccupation with class and the different ways the British have thought about their own society. From the
The Rise and Fall of Class in Britain
Language: en
Pages: 268
Authors: David Cannadine
Categories: Social classes
Type: BOOK - Published: 1999 - Publisher:


In this wholly original and brilliantly argued book, the author shows that Britons have indeed been preoccupied with class, but in ways that are invariably igno
The Making of the English Working Class
Language: en
Pages: 866
Authors: Edward Palmer Thompson
Categories: Social Science
Type: BOOK - Published: 1964 - Publisher: IICA


This account of artisan and working-class society in its formative years, 1780 to 1832, adds an important dimension to our understanding of the nineteenth centu
Working Class Cultures in Britain, 1890-1960
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Pages: 258
Authors: Prof Joanna Bourke
Categories: History
Type: BOOK - Published: 2008-01-28 - Publisher: Routledge


Integrating a variety of historical approaches and methods, Joanna Bourke looks at the construction of class within the intimate contexts of the body, the home,
Social Class in Modern Britain
Language: en
Pages: 373
Authors: Gordon Marshall
Categories: Social Science
Type: BOOK - Published: 2005-08-10 - Publisher: Routledge


The book incorporates three alternative conceptions of class. Erik Olin Wright's structural Marxist account is set alongside John Goldthorpe's occupational clas