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Language: en
Pages: 76
Authors: Union Square & Co
Categories: Games & Activities
Type: BOOK - Published: 2007-10 - Publisher: Sterling Publishing Company


Bet you can't solve just one! Once you do, however, you'll quickly see why these crosswords are positively habit-forming! They offer just the right dose of nost
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Pages: 72
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2007-10 - Publisher: Sterling Publishing Company


To solve these puzzles, cruciverbalists (look it up!) must get their minds in gear and marshal their knowledge of idioms, colloquial phrases, and other tricky l
Incredible Crosswords to Keep You Sharp
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Pages: 68
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2008-05 - Publisher: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.


Use it or lose it! Crosswords and other mind-flexing puzzles can perform an anatomical impossibility: They keep the brain on its toes! Stay mentally fit and max
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Original and imaginative crosswords to challenge and mentally stimulate. Puzzles are a fun way to flex mental muscles and keep them in shape. Author is Crosswor
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Pages: 68
Authors: Stanley Newman
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Paging all book lovers: here's a top-notch collection of 50 crosswords all about classic novels, from Don Quixote to The Color Purple. The great works of litera