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Keeping Stick Insects
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Pages: 68
Authors: Dorothy Floyd
Categories: Insect rearing
Type: BOOK - Published: 1987 - Publisher:


Om at holde vandrende pinde i fangenskab, biologiske og pasningsmæssige forhold. 7 egnede arter beskrives på side 25-53
Stick Insects
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Pages: 52
Authors: Sandra Markle
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction
Type: BOOK - Published: 2008-01-01 - Publisher: Lerner Publications


Watch out for these masters of defense—stick insects! Their secret weapon is being able to hide in plain sight. To protect themselves from predators, they hav
Stick Insect
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Pages: 40
Authors: Karen Hartley
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction
Type: BOOK - Published: 2008 - Publisher: Heinemann-Raintree Library


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The Complete Field Guide to Stick and Leaf Insects of Australia
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Pages: 217
Authors: Paul D Brock
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Australia has a rich diversity of phasmids – otherwise known as stick and leaf insects. Most of them are endemic, few have been studied and new species contin
Neural Basis of Elementary Behavior in Stick Insects
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Pages: 181
Authors: Ulrich Bässler
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2012-12-06 - Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media


This monograph represents the current status of neuro ethological research on the diurnal behavior of the stick in sect, Carausius morosus. The growing profusio