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An Introduction to Interfaces & Colloids
Language: en
Pages: 804
Authors: John C. Berg
Categories: Science
Type: BOOK - Published: 2010 - Publisher: World Scientific


Offers an introduction to the topics in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience. Designed as a pedagogical tool, this book recognizes the cross-di
Introduction to Interfaces and Colloids, An: the Bridge to Nanoscience
Language: en
Pages: 804
Authors: John C. Berg
Categories: Colloids
Type: BOOK - Published: 2009 - Publisher:


"The textbook seeks to bring readers with no prior knowledge or experience in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience to the point where they can
Introduction to Interfaces and Colloids, An: The Bridge to Nanoscience (Second Edition)
Language: en
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Authors: John C Berg
Categories: Science
Type: BOOK - Published: 2024-02-29 - Publisher:


This textbook seeks to bring readers with no prior knowledge or experience in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience to the point where they can
An Introduction to Interfaces & Colloids
Language: en
Pages: 785
Authors: John C. Berg
Categories: Technology & Engineering
Type: BOOK - Published: 2010 - Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company Incorporated


The textbook seeks to bring readers with no prior knowledge or experience in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience to the point where they can c
Introduction To Interfaces And Colloids, An: The Bridge To Nanoscience (Second Edition)
Language: en
Pages: 885
Authors: John C Berg
Categories: Technology & Engineering
Type: BOOK - Published: 2024-03-19 - Publisher: World Scientific


This textbook seeks to bring readers with no prior knowledge or experience in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience to the point where they can