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In Praise of Blame
Language: en
Pages: 158
Authors: George Sher
Categories: Philosophy
Type: BOOK - Published: 2006 - Publisher: Oxford University Press


Blame is an unpopular & neglected notion that goes against the grain of a therapeutically-orientated culture & has received relatively little philosophical atte
In Praise of Blame
Language: en
Pages: 158
Authors: George Sher
Categories: Philosophy
Type: BOOK - Published: 2005-11-24 - Publisher: Oxford University Press


Blame is an unpopular and neglected notion: it goes against the grain of a therapeutically-oriented culture and has received relatively little philosophical att
Praise and Blame
Language: en
Pages: 240
Authors: Daniel N. Robinson
Categories: Philosophy
Type: BOOK - Published: 2009-04-11 - Publisher: Princeton University Press


How should a prize be awarded after a horse race? Should it go to the best rider, the best person, or the one who finishes first? To what extent are bystanders
In Praise of Blame
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Authors: George Sher
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2005 - Publisher:


Blame is an unpopular & neglected notion that goes against the grain of a therapeutically-orientated culture & has received relatively little philosophical atte
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Pages: 281
Authors: Elinor Mason
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There must be some connection between our deontic notions, rightness and wrongness, and our responsibility notions, praise- and blameworthiness. Yet traditional